About RSVP Old Bowie Lounge

At RSVP Old Bowie Lounge, we believe that flavors have no boundaries. Founded by the culinary visionary Kola Siwajoula in August 2019, our restaurant celebrates food and culture.

Our kitchen comes alive with the lively spices of West Africa and we infuse each dish with the soulful essence of the continent. Every plate speaks of our founder's culinary love and his burning desire to share it with the world.

We warmly invite you to savor the delightful freshness and authenticity that define our culinary offerings. When you RSVP, it's not just about reserving a meal; it's your passport to savor the remarkable fusion of West Africa and America on your plate.

About Kola Siwajuola

Greetings! I'm Kola Siwajuola, the CEO and Head Chef at RSVP Old Bowie Lounge. While my professional journey began in the IT industry, my heart has always been in the world of culinary arts. With 23 years of dedication to the tech world, I finally decided to follow my lifelong passion for cooking. I enrolled in culinary school to hone my skills, and that's where my culinary adventure truly began.

With a burning desire to bring a unique fusion of West African and American cuisine to the world, I took the plunge and opened RSVP Restaurant in 2019. It wasn't just a restaurant; it was a dream realized. I purchased a building and transformed it into a culinary haven that reflects my personal style and vision.

My journey in the restaurant business may span six years, but my love for food has been a lifelong affair. I invite you to join me on this savory expedition at RSVP Old Bowie Lounge.


At RSVP Old Bowie Lounge, we proudly stand by our motto: 'Where Cultures Collide, Flavors Unite.' Our mission is to create a welcoming culinary haven where authenticity, freshness, and quality converge to deliver tantalizing and unforgettable meals.